Blinn Course to University Of Houston Courses
The following Blinn College courses (listed with their University of Houston equivalents) are available during the fall 2024 semester. For transfer equivalents for other Texas universities, please see the Texas Common Course Numbering System. Please speak to your advisor prior to registration to ensure that courses will apply toward your major or degree plan.
Blinn Course | UH |
ACCT 2301: Principles of Accounting-Financial | ACCT 2301 |
ACCT 2302: Principles of Managerial Accounting | ACCT 2302 |
ANTH 2301: Physical Anthropology | ANTH 2301 |
ANTH 2302: Introduction to Archeology | ANTH 2302 |
ANTH 2346: Introduction to Anthropology | ANTH 2346 |
ANTH 2351: Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 2351 |
ANTH 2401: Physical Anthropology | ANTH 2301 |
ARTS 1303: Art History I | ARTS 1303 |
ARTS 1304: Art History II | ARTS 1304 |
ARTS 1311: Design I (2-dimensional) | ARTS 1330 |
ARTS 1316: Drawing I | ARTS 1316 |
ARTS 2316: Painting I | ARTS 2316 |
ARTS 2346: Ceramics I | ARTS 2346 |
ARTS 2348: Digital Art I | ARTS 2348 |
ARTS 2356: Photography I | ARTS 2356 |
BCIS 1305: Business Computer Applications | BCIS 1305 |
BIOL 1308: Biology for Non-Science Majors I Lec. | BIOL 1308 |
BIOL 1309: Biology for Non-Science Majors II Lec. | BIOL 1309 |
BIOL 1406: Biology for Science Majors I | BIOL 1306 |
BIOL 1407: Biology for Science Majors II | BIOL 1307 |
BIOL 2401: Anatomy & Physiology I | BIOL 2301 |
BIOL 2402: Anatomy & Physiology II | BIOL 2302 |
BIOL 2420: Microbiology for Non-Science Majors | BIOL 2320 |
BIOL 2421: Microbiology | BIOL 2321 |
BUSI 1301: Introduction to Business | BUSI 1301 |
BUSI 2305: Business Statistics | BUSI 2305 |
CHEM 1305: Introductory Chemistry I | CHEM 1305 |
CHEM 1411: General Chemistry I | CHEM 1311 |
CHEM 1412: General Chemistry II | CHEM 1312 |
COMM 1307: Mass Communication | COMM 1307 |
COMM 2311: Communications | COMM 2311 |
COSC 1436: Programming Fundamentals I | COSC 1336 |
COSC 1437: Programming Fundamentals II | COSC 1437 |
COSC 2425: Computer Organization | COSC 2425 |
COSC 2436: Programming Fundamentals III | COSC 2436 |
DRAM 1310: Theater Appreciation | DRAM 1310 |
DRAM 1330: Dramatics-Stagecraft | DRAM 1330 |
DRAM 1351: Acting I | DRAM 1351 |
ECON 2301: Principles of Economics (Macro) | ECON 2301 |
ECON 2302: Principles of Economics (Micro) | ECON 2302 |
EDUC 1301: Intro to Teaching Profession | EDUC 1301 |
EDUC 2301: Intro to Special Populations | EDUC 2301 |
ENGL 1301: Composition I | ENGL 1301 |
ENGL 1302: Composition II | ENGL 1302 |
ENGL 2322: Survey of British Literature I | ENGL 2322 |
ENGL 2332: Survey of World Literature I | ENGL 2332 |
ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics Statics | ENGR 2301 |
GEOL 1147: Meteorology | GEOL 1147 |
GEOL 1347: Meteorology | GEOL 1347 |
GEOL 1403: Physical Geology | GEOL 1403 |
GOVT 2305: American Government | GOVT 2305 |
GOVT 2306: Texas Government | GOVT 2306 |
HIST 1301: United States History I | HIST 1301 |
HIST 1302: United States History II | HIST 1302 |
HIST 2301: Texas History | HIST 2301 |
HIST 2311: Western Civilization I | HIST 2311 |
HIST 2312: Western Civilization II | HIST 2312 |
KINE 1306: First Aid | PHED 1306 |
MATH 1314: College Algebra | MATH 1314 |
MATH 1324: Math for Bus. & Soc. Sci. I | MATH 1324 |
MATH 1325: Calculus for Business & Soci. | MATH 1325 |
MATH 1332: Contemporary Mathematics I | MATH 1332 |
MATH 1342: Elementary Statistical Methods | MATH 1342 |
MATH 1350: Mathematics for Teachers I | CUIN 1350 |
MATH 1351: Mathematics for Teachers II | MATH 1351 |
MATH 2318: Linear Algebra | MATH 2318 |
MATH 2413: Calculus I | MATH 2413 |
MATH 2414: Calculus II | MATH 2414 |
MATH 2415: Calculus III | MATH 2415 |
MUSI 1116: Signt Singing & Ear Training | MUSI 1116 |
MUSI 1181: Class Piano I | MUSI 1181 |
MUSI 1311: Music Theory I | MUSI 1311 |
PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 1301 |
PHIL 2303: Introduction to Logic | PHIL 1321 |
PHIL 2306: Introduction to Ethics | PHIL 1305 |
PHYS 1303: Stars and Galaxies | PHYS 1303 |
PHYS 1401: College Physics I | PHYS 1301/1101 |
PHYS 1402: College Physics II | PHYS 1302/1102 |
PHYS 2125: University Physics I Lab | PHYS 2125 |
PHYS 2126: University Physics II Lab | PHYS 2126 |
PHYS 2325: University Physics I | PHYS 2325 |
PHYS 2326: University Physics II (lecture) | PHYS 2326 |
PSYC 2301: General Psychology | PSYC 2301 |
PSYC 2306: Human Sexuality | PSYC 2306 |
PSYC 2308: Child Psychology | PSYC 2308 |
PSYC 2316: Psychology of Personality | PSYC 2316 |
PSYC 2317: Statistical Methods in Psyc. | PSYC 2317 |
PSYC 2319: Social Psychology | PSYC 2319 |
PSYC 2320: Abnormal Psychology | PSYC 2320 |
PSYC 2330: Biological Psychology | PSYC 2330 |
SGNL 1401: American Sign Language I | SGNL 1301 |
SGNL 1402: American Sign Language II | SGNL 1302 |
SGNL 2301: American Sign Language III | SGNL 2301 |
SGNL 2302: American Sign Language IV | SGNL 2302 |
SOCI 1301: Introduction to Sociology | SOC 1301 |
SPAN 1411: Beginning Spanish I | SPAN 1501 |
SPAN 1412: Beginning Spanish II | SPAN 1502 |
SPAN 2311: Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN 2311 |
SPAN 2312: Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 2312 |
SPCH 1318: Interpersonal Communication | SPCH 1318 |