Blinn Course to Texas A&M University Courses
The following Blinn College courses (listed with their Texas A&M University equivalents) are available during the fall 2024 semester. For transfer equivalents for other Texas universities, please see the Texas Common Course Numbering System. Please speak to your advisor prior to registration to ensure that courses will apply toward your major or degree plan.
Blinn Course | TAMU |
ACCT 2301: Principles of Accounting-Financial | ACCT 229 |
ACCT 2302: Principles of Managerial Accounting | ACCT 230 |
AGRI 1115: Horticulture | HORT 202 |
AGRI 1119: Intro to Animal Science (Lab) | ANSC 108 |
AGRI 1131: The Agriculture Industry | AGLS 101 |
AGRI 1307: Agronomy | SCSC 105 |
AGRI 1315: Horticulture | HORT 201 |
AGRI 1319: Animal Science | ANSC 107 |
AGRI 1329: Principles of Food Service | FSTC 201 |
AGRI 2301: Agricultural Power Units | AGSM 201 |
AGRI 2317: Agriculture Economics | AGEC 105 |
AGRI 2321: Livestock Evaluation | ANSC 215 |
ANTH 2301: Physical Anthropology | ANTH 225 |
ANTH 2302: Introduction to Archeology | ANTH 202 |
ANTH 2346: Introduction to Anthropology | ANTH 201 |
ANTH 2351: Cultural Anthropology | ANTH 210 |
ANTH 2401: Physical Anthropology | ANTH 225/226 |
ARCH 1301: Architectural History I | ARCH 249 |
ARCH 1302: Architectural History II | ARCH 250 |
ARCH 1307: Architectural Graphics I | ENDS 115 |
ARCH 1311: Introduction to Architecture | ENDS 101 |
ARCH 2312: Architectural Technology | COSC 253 |
ARTS 1303: Art History I | ARTS 149 |
ARTS 1304: Art History II | ARTS 150 |
ARTS 1311: Design I (2-dimensional) | ARTS 103 |
ARTS 1316: Drawing I | ARTS 111 |
ARTS 2356: Photography I | ARTS 210 |
BCIS 1305: Business Computer Applications | ISTM 210 |
BIOL 1308: Biology for Non-Science Majors I Lec. | BIOL 113 with BIOL 1111 |
BIOL 1322: Nutrition and Diet Therapy | NUTR 202 |
BIOL 1406: Biology for Science Majors I | BIOL 111 |
BIOL 1407: Biology for Science Majors II | BIOL 112 |
BIOL 1411: General Botany | BIOL 101 |
BIOL 1413: General Zoology | BIOL 107 |
BIOL 2420: Microbiology for Non-Science Majors | BIOL 206 |
BIOL 2421: Microbiology | BIOL 206 |
BUSI 1301: Introduction to Business | BUSN 101 |
BUSI 1307: Personal Finance | FINC 201 |
BUSI 2301: Business Law | MGMT 209 |
BUSI 2305: Business Statistics | BUSN 203 |
CHEM 1105: Introductory Chemistry Lab I | CHEM 116 |
CHEM 1305: Introductory Chemistry I | CHEM 106 |
CHEM 1409: Gen Chem Engineering Majors | CHEM 107/117 |
CHEM 1411: General Chemistry I | CHEM 119 |
CHEM 1412: General Chemistry II | CHEM 120 |
CHEM 2423: Organic Chemistry I | CHEM 227/237 |
CHEM 2425: Organic Chemistry II | CHEM 228/238 |
COMM 1307: Mass Communication | JOUR 102 |
COMM 2311: Communications | JOUR 203 |
COSC 1420: Introductory C Programming | CSCE 206 |
DRAM 1310: Theater Appreciation | PERF 200 |
DRAM 1351: Acting I | PERF 110 |
ECON 2301: Principles of Economics (Macro) | ECON 203 |
ECON 2302: Principles of Economics (Micro) | ECON 202 |
EDUC 1301: Intro to Teaching Profession | TEFB 273 |
EDUC 2301: Intro to Special Populations | INST 210 |
ENGL 1301: Composition I | ENGL 103 |
ENGL 1302: Composition II | ENGL 104 |
ENGL 2311: Technical Writing | ENGL 210 |
ENGL 2322: Survey of British Literature I | ENGL 231 |
ENGL 2327: Survey of American Lit. I | ENGL 227 |
ENGL 2328: Survey of American Literature II | ENGL 228 |
ENGL 2332: Survey of World Literature I | ENGL/MODL 221 |
ENGR 1201: Intro to Engineering | ENGR 111 |
ENGR 1304: Engineering Graphics I | MMET 105 |
ENGR 2301: Engineering Mechanics Statics | MMET 275 |
FREN 1411: Beginning French I | FREN 101 |
GEOG 1301: Physical Geography | GEOG 203 |
GEOG 1302: Human Geography | GEOG 201 |
GEOG 1303: World Geography | GEOG 202 |
GEOL 1403: Physical Geology | GEOL 101/102 |
GEOL 1445: Oceanography | OCNG 251/252 |
GOVT 2305: American Government | POLS 206 |
GOVT 2306: Texas Government | POLS 207 |
HIST 1301: United States History I | HIST 105 |
HIST 1302: United States History II | HIST 106 |
HIST 2301: Texas History | HIST 226 |
HIST 2311: Western Civilization I | HIST 101 |
HIST 2312: Western Civilization II | HIST 102 |
KINE 1301: Foundations of Kinesiology | KINE 213 |
KINE 1304: Personal/Community Health | HLTH 231 |
KINE 1306: First Aid | HLTH 216 |
KINE 1321: Coaching/Sports/Athletics I | KINE 215 |
MATH 1314: College Algebra | MATH 102 |
MATH 1324: Math for Bus. & Soc. Sci. I | MATH 140 |
MATH 1325: Calculus for Business & Soci. | MATH 142 |
MATH 1342: Elementary Statistical Methods | STAT 201 |
MATH 2412: Pre-Calculus Math | MATH 150 |
MATH 2413: Calculus I | MATH 151 |
MATH 2414: Calculus II | MATH 152 |
MATH 2415: Calculus III | MATH 253 |
MUSI 1306: Music Appreciation | PERF 201 |
MUSI 1311: Music Theory I | PERF 204 |
MUSI 2181: Class Piano III | MUSC 255 |
PHIL 1301: Introduction to Philosophy | PHIL 251 |
PHIL 2303: Introduction to Logic | PHIL 240 |
PHIL 2306: Introduction to Ethics | PHIL 111 |
PHYS 1103: Stars and Galaxies Laboratory | ASTR 111 |
PHYS 1303: Stars and Galaxies | ASTR 111 |
PHYS 1401: College Physics I | PHYS 201 |
PHYS 1402: College Physics II | PHYS 202 |
PHYS 2125: University Physics I Lab | PHYS 226 |
PHYS 2126: University Physics II Lab | PHYS 227 |
PHYS 2325: University Physics I | PHYS 206 |
PHYS 2326: University Physics II (lecture) | PHYS 207 |
PSYC 2301: General Psychology | PBSI 107 |
PSYC 2314: Lifespan Growth and Development | PBSI 225 |
PSYC 2317: Statistical Methods in Psyc. | PBSI 245 |
SOCI 1301: Introduction to Sociology | SOCI 205 |
SPAN 1411: Beginning Spanish I | SPAN 101 |
SPAN 1412: Beginning Spanish II | SPAN 102 |
SPAN 2311: Intermediate Spanish I | SPAN 201 |
SPAN 2312: Intermediate Spanish II | SPAN 202 |
SPCH 1311: Intro to Speech Communication | COMM 101 |
SPCH 1315: Public Speaking | COMM 203 |
SPCH 2333: Discussion and Small Group Communication | COMM 210 |
SPCH 2335: Argumentation & Debate | COMM 243 |