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Student Organization and Department Facility Request Form

Please confirm with our office prior to the event reservation to ensure the space is available.

Requests should be made no later than 5 p.m. the Wednesday before the week of the event. Emergency requests (via phone call) will be considered on a case by case basis, provided the room is available.

Time Of Event: The start and end time should reflect the beginning and end of the events, not the beginning and end of facility request. Events will be submitted to the Blinn Calendar for advertisement purposes.

For special event set up or additional information please contact the Student Leadership and Activities office at: Bryan Campus 979-209-7260 or Brenham Campus 979-830-4181.

Please contact Food Services at 979-209-7465. You are responsible for contacting Food Services.
For special events requiring extensive/specific set-up such as event layout, please contact Student Leadership and Activities Office at: Bryan Campus 979-209-7260 or Brenham Campus 979-830-4181.

: For special events requiring extensive audio visual needs, please contact the Student Leadership and Activities Office at: Bryan Campus 979-209-7260 or Brenham Campus 979-830-4181.

PA system, (1) Podium Mic. (2) Table Top Mics (3) Wireless Mic. (4) Hand Held Mic. Podium, Overhead Projector/Screen, Computer/LCD Projector.